Decision/Future Decision

Decision/Future Decision

"Life Decisions"

                          If you do injustice to anyone in your life, then you have to bear the loss at some point. A man's wife was obedient to him when he got married, it was empty-handed, but after a few years of marriage, Allah took hold of his hand and progress was set. The empty-handed runner was now playing in the millions. Even the woman who was happy with him during the difficult times got to see golden days. 

                              The people living around said that his wife is a fugitive. After the marriage, Allah Ta'ala applied colors. In any situation, a woman who is patient and grateful is destined to have an abundance of sustenance. The millionaire gambler now began to think of himself as something big. Daily quarrels, beatings with his wife, impotence had now become the norm. 

Decision/Future Decision

                       One day he lost his temper and divorced his wife. In difficult times, he kept away from himself in good circumstances. Got another marriage. Within two years, the situation turned upside down and huge losses began to occur. Millions gone, houses sold, every other person in debt. All the arrogance and arrogance found in the soil. Dada Abu used to say,

 "The saddle in the house also has its own destiny. But the provision of a good wife's share is unlimited. Because of her, the generations run away." That is, a piece of wood, an animal, a child, a human being. Everyone gets their share of sustenance. A good wife beautifies the generations, with her presence the doors of sustenance open rapidly. 

 Do not do injustice to anyone else he will suffer heavy losses. Injustice also comes back to you with manifold increase. If someone pushes you to the limit, despite your best efforts, if he is not ready to do it, it is a different matter, but taking such a step just to satisfy your ego while everything is going well, you should be at peace. will not give May the love be safe.

Decision/Future Decision

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