BLACK HOLE/astronomy/ cosmology

BLACK HOLE/ High Gravity HOLES in Space/ what present in space/ Miraj of the Prophet(PBUH)/adventure in Space

          BLACK HOLE/ High Gravity HOLES in Space/Astronomy/ Cosmology

Black Hole


                        Touring is an important aspect of human life. After traveling on earth, man has now gone on a tour of the heavens. Many secrets of space have been revealed. And one of their secrets is the black hole, which is swallowing the objects near it in space and digesting the broken things. The black hole has received the special attention of many philosophers. Muslims say that It is like an elevator attached to next  Allam or like a berry tree. Whose roots are spread all over the world۔

                        What is a black hole? What comes to your mind when you hear a black hole, as the name suggests black hole? So let's know a little about the black hole


                        Viewers, Black hole is a black hole that exists in space, called black because it is darker than night and  said to have high gravity. It draws bodies into itself, it is like a tube, it has a way to go but no way to come back.

Black Hole  AS a Hole


                        Scientists claim that it is a path that goes from one sky to another sky. Through this path we can reach from one sky to the second and the second to the third . Its gravity is so high that time stops on entering it. People go from one world to another world.

BLACK HOLE/astronomy/ cosmology

Nikola Taxila  Theory on Black Hole

                        When Nikola Taxila was in the last days of his life, he also proposed a theory about black holes. He believed that black holes are horizontal tubes through which time stops and they move all the time. If there's a way to go, there must be a way to come back. Many people started making movies after knowing about the black hole.

BLACK HOLE/astronomy/ cosmology

Muslim Concept on Black Hole 

                          No matter how advanced today's science may be, it cannot deny the knowledge of Muslims. Muslims talked about black holes fourteen hundred years ago. In the holy book of Muslims, the Holy Quran, about the ascension of the Prophet(PBUH) and the leader of Muslims. There is the incident of going where he met his God one night. And tells the period of eighteen years. During his ascension, the time of the world stopped and he visited the seven heavens. This shows that he went from one heaven to another through the black hole. What was written fourteen hundred years ago is true today. It has been proved that one can go from one sky to another sky and time stops.

BLACK HOLE/astronomy/ cosmology

 Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Muslims, writes that:

 There are other places beyond the stars.

Many Scientists Says that:

                     Scientists have accepted that what Muslims wrote fourteen hundred years ago is true, they can travel from one world to another world. How will they come? And hopefully, they will find their way back sooner or later.


 It is now known that a black hole has high gravity and pulls objects towards it. This is the way. God has enriched man with a wealth of knowledge and it is hoped that in the future man will travel from one world to another world thanks to this knowledge.

When man is going to solve the other mysteries of the universe, he will surely get the mystery of the black hole as well. By solving the mystery of the black hole, humans will meet the inhabitants of other universes and the black hole will lead humans to new worlds and new eras.

Poet says that:
Go through one space and see another space.

BLACK HOLE/astronomy/ cosmology

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